International Women’s Day at Double-Barrelled Brewery 2024

International Women’s Day at Double-Barrelled Brewery On Friday March 8th at Double-Barrelled Brewery in Tilehurst, was an incredible event to celebrate women in beer.  The event was carefully curated to demonstrate the various ways women are currently involved in the beer industry and included sessions that shared insightful information about the brewing process, as wellContinue reading “International Women’s Day at Double-Barrelled Brewery 2024”

International Women’s Day 2022

The 8th March was International Women’s Day. In the world of beer, this day can feel particularly pertinent: it remains a very male oriented industry and one that hasn’t always been the most inviting to women, despite women being recognised in history as some of the earliest brewers of beer. Issues persist even today, withContinue reading “International Women’s Day 2022”

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